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All Stars



Owner and Senior Deal Architect

As our Founder,  Andrew Warde is the pacesetter of our team. As an entrepreneur, Andrew Warde brings unique energy and creativity to the table,  endeavoring to ask the right questions while creating opportunities for his clients and partners. Andrew excels at understanding and negotiating complex situations. 


Andrew enjoys traveling and spending time with his wife, two daughters and two dogs.  


Partner and Senior Deal Architect

As a savvy project manager, Andrew Clark excels in deal negotiation and conceptualizing solutions for his clients. Andrew focuses on creating a win for everyone by understanding the needs and providing value. 


Andrew loves spending time in nature and sharing adventures with his family. 





Deal Architect

JJ grew up in New Hampshire and has strong family roots both there and in Maine. Since moving to Maine, JJ has started his own property management business and has found a passion for real estate and renovation.  His strong background in property management and maintenance gives him a competent eye for the construction and cost-analysis side of real estate. JJ has a gift for connecting with people and easily cultivates trust and confidence with those he does business with. 


JJ enjoys woodworking and going to the beach with his wife and two sons in his free time. 


Deal Architect

Robert Massey contributes extensively to Blue Sky Properties with his negotiation skills and persistence, connecting the company with off-market properties. 


Rob spends his free time working out and enjoying new places with his wife, Tasha. 





Deal Architect

Rob is native to Maine and spent many years in customer service and marketing.


As a deal architect, he utilizes his skills in negotiation, problem solving and a genuine compassion for people to connect

Blue Sky Properties with homeowners.


Robs passion for helping people and his ability to understand challenges makes him a perfect fit for Blue Sky Properties. 


In his free time, Rob enjoys spending time with his daughter and wife, computer programming and working out.

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